Saturday, March 5, 2011

C in 24 Hours?

Lets Start with the Introduction Before Going in to deep

C is develeoped by Deniss Ritchie from AT&T Bell Labs.
C is a high level Programming language.
Difference between High level and Low Level Language is
  Low Level Language is understood by machines (i.e. Computer Architecture)
  Hight Level Language is somewhat close to the human language (easy to understand).

Focusing on "C" as high level language...
  It has the advantage of 3 types (technical words actually)
  1) Rediability-------  Easy to understand
  2) Maintainability----  Easy to Maintain
  3) Portability-------- Can be used in different platforms
The portability is not as it seems, as it is a High level language it needs interpreter or a compiler to convert into machine languge
But Different machines use different compilers...
example:- we use Microsot C compiler to compile C programs
            if its unix we should use another compiler... unlike other programing languages we can use then easily..
        hence the portability is good point in the part of C.
As we know Machine language is 0 and 1
but wat is 0 and 1?

we all know tht
let us get a deep detail in to this part..
CPU (Central Processing Unit) is called the Brain of the Computer, inside the CPU there are millions of trnasistors that make use of the
electronic switches, and the electronic switch only understands on and it is designed that on means 1 and off means 0.

whatever the program we write in High level language (i.e. C,Java,Pearl) they are written in Text format...
The program written in Text is called the SOURCE CODE.
The complier now converts the Text into 0 and 1...which is also called as BINARY CODE.
The smallest unit of this binary code is called BIT.
BIT can have a value of 0 to 1.
8 BITS make a byte.......... and half a byte is a NIBBLE (4bits)

Programs written in C can be reused

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